Baseball is a substantial component in my life. The greatest reward studying in the U.S. is to play baseball with Americans. I can assure you that the teammates you meet and the pitchers/hitters you play against are very different than those I met while I was in Taiwan. There are always some guys you can't deal with. They are so powerful against you, however, this makes each baseball game so interesting and memorable. 

I am very fortunate to have these baseball buddies in my Alaskan life. I learn so much from them. If you will have a chance to visit Fairbanks, please visit our baseball league

Believe it or not, my blood cells look like baseball.

To honor the real Pirates (it is referred to the Pittsburgh Pirates) and my advisor (he is a die-hard Yankees' fan), I decide to put tweets from the Pittsburgh Pirates and New York Yankees. I hope this can remind me some old good baseball memory. Interestingly, the one I really really love is the DeNa Yokohama Baystars in the Japanese Professional Baseball.

